
Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I am on a good reading roll.  I have read three novels in the last couple of weeks.  I just finished  The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan - Philipp Sendker.  This was loaned to me by my dear friend Montse.  I loved it.  The descriptions of the main characters and the gorgeous Burmese mountains had me seeing in my mind's eye the entire novel as a motion picture.  I swear I could smell it.  Curry and eucalyptus, cool mint tea in small clear glasses and the sun on the dusty roads.  I would love to listen to the audio version of this book.  Link+ here I come!

I started a new book last night.  Not a novel.  It is Spiritual Economics by Eric Butterworth.  He was a very interesting and spiritual man.  Read a little about him when you have a moment.  So far so good.  This is a book given to me by my endlessly truth-seeking Aunt Georgia and has been sitting on my nightstand for over a year.  I decided to pick it up and read it.  My sister Marta and my mother Colette and Georgia and I had been chatting on mother's back porch earlier in the day about how technology is not only changing our world, but also our brains.  Each one of us had our own opinions on the good and the bad and the ugly of all of this technology.  I am going to choose to focus for now, on the good.  Let's spread the enlightenment!!  Once you are aware you can never be unaware again.  The fact that we can instantly and quickly "touch" each other with quick text messages was the main topic of our chat.  We went round and round and in the end "forward" won the day!  But I digress.  I saw Spiritual Economics as I was climbing into bed.

Wealthful.  A personal experience of wealth.  Not healthful.  Wealthful.  "Expose yourself to wealthful ideas-think prosperity, think substance, think affluence."  Now this does not necessarily mean monetary wealth but it could.  The introduction states that just the fact that I have started to read it means that I am open to hearing the lesson of Spiritual Economics.  I am.  I do feel abundantly blessed and lucky in many ways.  If not for my family...I would however like some abundance in my creativity vault as well as my checking account!!!  I am going to read this book and share some more as I get further.  Shed a little enlightenment for anyone that may be interested in following this little path.

One more small bit of self help info that I am using in my spare time in between jobs.  A Crash Course in Creativity is a free online six week course from Stanford that I am now in the second week of taking. NovoEd has many FREE online courses that you can enroll in and over 150 countries are participating in these classes.  Check it out.  My first assignment was to create a book cover and a title and a subtitle for my autobiography.  Then a 200 word essay introducing myself.  Fun project.  My title was From My Heart and my subtitle was If Not For My Family.  I used this picture of a  French Holy Card from the Graphics Fairy blog as part of my cover.  This is the site where I have gotten all of the graphics that I have been using here on my own blog.  They are free and in the public domain and Karen has over 3500 free vintage images.  So I am shooting Karen a solid here!

I have learned how to insert a hyperlink into my blog...Can you tell?!  So now tell me what you think about this last entry.  As always it has been a good diversion from my job of searching for a job and spiritual wealth!  LoveLoveLove~ 

Friday, April 5, 2013

April Showers

Bring May flowers!  Alright it's Friday.  Seems like it should not be a big deal when you are in between jobs and yet I still look forward to Fridays.  I give myself permission to not look at job sites on the weekends and so Fridays are my last day during the week to officially work at looking for work.  I don't HAVE to apply for any jobs until Monday!  Also I have a Saturday haircut appointment with my Marta thithy and Maestro Stefan tomorrow so yay for that!

And so this gray and drizzly Friday morning at the end of Easter vacation I spent at Peets with my Susie thithy.  A chocolate croissant and the new Mayan Mocha if you must know!  Boy howdy it was a baby day.  I think that at least 50% of the people that came in had small critters with them.  I am always amazed that on a weekday at 10:30 in the morning so many people are able to just hang out and have coffee.  They have their laptops and smart phones out, ear buds in and are plugging away.  Don't these people have jobs??  What the heck??

Amidst the unending stream of people coming and going and the murmurs of the surrounding conversations, we chatted and people watched, and  puzzled about what kinds of stories accompanied the fascinating faces and outfits.  We recognized some of the people from lives past and present.  We revisited this past week that was replete with chores and errands and familial assistance.  This got us to being nostalgic about when all of our critters were so fresh and innocent and our days of yore as youngsters and sweet memories from our own childhoods.  Susie was making preparations to spend some time with Rosie her "forever friend" which led to thoughts about all of our childhood friends and how grateful we are for them.  My auntie Teresa was telling us about a friend that she has had since grade school that called her the other day.  My cousin Lisa that had been in town for Easter commented on friends that she has kept in touch with since her school days.  My mother writes real letters to her girlhood friends!  We gathered these fragrant memories into sweet little posies that reside in our hearts to pluck willy nilly when we need a little cheering.  April showers really do bring May flowers and not just on the rolling hills that surround me.